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Vappushokkelo is an annual May Day event that has been organized by Symbioosi ry, the subject organization of biology students at the University of Helsinki,  since 1962. Its purpose is to offer children an unforgettable and educational experience with nature. At Shokkelo, children get to see and try for themselves. 


As a first year biology university student in 2015, I was one of four main organizers for the event. This work included finding sponsors, setting up the venue, creating the program and overseeing all volunteers. In 2015, Vappushokkelo gathered a visitor count of over 3000 people.

Role(s) and responsibilities

Main organizer

  • Acquiring sponsors. Vappushokkelo does not accept monetary sponsorships, so all sponsors were some form of material donations.

  • Together with our team of four planned the project deadlines and task delegation.

  • Recruited and oversaw a pool of about 70 volunteers.

Leader of "Ratatiimi" (the "adventure course team") 

  • Led a team of 10 volunteers, who decided the theme of this year's Shokkelo and brought to life the highlight of the event - an adventure obstacle course consisting of seven checkpoints and spanned the whole event area. 

  • Gave feedback and helped in building the course.

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